
Hi everyone. I’ve finally gotten over my laziness to write my second post. I have a severe procrastination problem :p. Anyways, before I start, I’d just like to say that all the thing that I write are my own opinions and I do not expect anyone to agree with me. And also my writing skills aren’t exactly Stephen King’s level, so please bear with me.

 Perfection. 10/10. What’s makes it so appealing? Why do we all chase this perfection. Is it just something expected by the society, or is it something that is pre programmed into our brains. In every aspects of our lives, we chase perfection.

Everyone chases the perfect life, the perfect job,  the perfect partner, home, teapot and whatever. Heck even in religion, everybody works so hard to achieve this image of perfect devotee of their respective religion. And anything less is seen as weakness. Why is this so?

I believe perfection is an illusion. Its just an illusion that we all believe in which is some weird way drives us forward in life. We always strive to be best in everything and have the best of everything and be better than anyone. And i believe its impossible.

The “perfect” sentence to describe this is, “ Nobody is perfect ”. Everybody is always chasing something or doing something to be better than they already are. Some may say that my view is pessimistic or even a lazy reason to not achieve anything. But really where does it end?

I don’t have objections when this leads to great achievements. The problem is, most of the time, or at least as much as I have seen , this chase of perfection is always ends up as a burden. Most people beat themselves up over it. Its always “ He/She is doing better than me. I have to be like him/her”. More often than not, the other person is also chasing another thing like this.

So my two cents here is if you think that you are in even in the mildest way, somehow chasing this, just relax and don’t be too hard on your self. If you achieve what you strive to be, that’s is amazing!!! But if you don’t, its alright. After all, Nobody is perfect 😀

I’ve forgotten so much things I wanted to add to this due to my procrastination. But I still gave it a go. Hope you all enjoyed reading it. Cheers people.


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